Thursday, February 11, 2010

Myth and Queen Nefertiti

Replica of the bust of Nefertiti 18th Dynasty ...Image by mharrsch via Flickr

The beauty of Nefertiti was documented in many of the paintings some of them founded in the Tel el-Amarna, which was once the capital of the throne of Akhenaten.

It is the finest works of art bust statue of Jerry's shows at the Egyptian Museum in Berlin since 1924. This statue was discovered, which is not longer than fifty centimeters (20 inches), which is now the most famous Egyptian artifacts from the era of the Pharaohs, a German archaeologist, Ludwig Borjardt. He has this discovery on the sixth of December 1912 during the researches in the Tel el-Amarna.

Is still the subject of the statue was so far a matter of controversy whether Nefertiti, or it belongs to Ttmosis. However, the bust of Nefertiti by one eye only completed the drawing, and this indicates that the statue was perhaps the only model represents a base for the immortal work of art.

Also found was another bust of Queen Temptress by British researcher John Pendlebury in about 1932 during the excavation took place in Tel el-Amarna. This head, which was going to put him on the example monument, does not exhibit any inscriptions. But like the rest of the artwork Bnfrtii, was accepted as represented. Today, we can take a look at this work of art the Egyptian National Museum in Cairo.

I love polygamy

Must Akhenaten was not all love and respect for his wife and partner on an exceptional basis. She took his city columns of inscriptions and writings reflect his quest to extract love:

"Beautiful-natured, the owner of happiness, you who are endowed with the ability to listen, her voice brings joy, the queen of all the beautiful, from birth all the love, bringing happiness to the king brane."

The appearance of a royal

Nefertiti was the show in the first years of its rule, the traditional gospel of honor upheld by queens. The Painted Tigana wearing a wig and adorned with feathers and cow horns and sun disk, and all attributes related to a range goddess (Hathor). And decorated with the Queen after that in el-Amarna, capital of the new property, the crown of a blue flat-top format that resembles the crown of the war of Akhenaten; a crown that embodied the Berlin Museum and a statue that became widely known throughout the world. In some cases, they appear in fees, wearing a crown like a narrow hood. The Queen wears beautiful clothes at other times in the head like a handkerchief and was known Balkhat.

The Nefertiti look at old drawings of other including hair Array has described as a "candle Nubian wig." It consists of a set of layers of hair and braids, which sits on top of each other, and that wig is not only worn by men belonging to the royal army.

The Queen Hajpa often Izinhma cobra snake from each side, namely, to symbolize its sovereignty over the brane, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.

Show paintings and engravings found on the property AKHNATON partner wearing a dress collapsed. It was also wears a wig with curly hair shows Iabanan crown above them the sun disk of the arbitrator and frieze Cobra feathers and Taiwiltan.

As is the case for the rest of the members of the aristocracy, were not Nefertiti show jewelry and wigs and clothes and narrow, but also cosmetic powders used to show the natural beauty. Women were in those days paint a broad black line around the eye and eyelid until it reaches the outside of the eye. And this line is linked to the ancient Egyptian ritual purity. Also wore the eyelid paste consisting of copper powder mixed with green fat. The women used the ruddy cheeks and lips, also in accordance with the drawings that attest to this. The two are using the same adhesive bond and then granulated mixed lettuce.



Not only beauty and myth, but also its extraordinary power. It was Nefertiti and her husband the pharaoh Akhenaten, two of the major religious revolution at dawn. We have been able to replace all the traditional gods in one God only is the sun god Aten.

Great Royal Wife

Seems that Nefertiti was keen to secure the new religion. And perhaps also able to use the new religion to find their own place as soon as possible to divinity. The working Egyptologists at the present time on research in the temples of Karnak and Luxor, a guide which may be able to support that hypothesis.

Akhenaten was established during his rule, which was in the middle of the fourteenth century BC, many of the temples in the suburbs for the worship of the sun god Aten. Since those temples have been considered as the remnants of the defunct, it was to destroy them all after the expiration of the reign of Akhenaten. Has been drawn from the remaining stone slabs to build the memorials of other governors who ruled Egypt after that. Scientists are trying now to reassemble that one side of the other stones so that they can configure the scenes and clear, hoping to reach the social status of Nefertiti.

Has been decrypted part of its name carved on a stone in addition to one of the titles of ownership (the Great Royal Wife). Was found more than one pattern depicting Nefertiti, and leading the chariot carrying scepter, a slogan that the highest authority in the pharaonic state. She also appeared in other pictures, as the queen of her country, equipped with the enemies of Egypt and in her hand a baton or sword, or the Royal Mounted on an expanse, or is blowing gold honor of the god. Did not receive any other female of the royal family such documentation prior to imaging Nefertiti or later.

Wives of the god Amon

Karnak Temple stands witness to the story of the establishment of Egypt, which has engraved on the walls. According to legend, it was not there something in the beginning, then back the God of creation and fertility Amon between the dark and was accompanied by the goddess of Mt. Signed Amon captivated tricks lure. According to ancient sources: "The flames lit, as a result his desire to raise the universe." It was near the god Amun the Pharaohs, who considered his representatives on the ground they govern in his name and on his behalf. The women were also nearby. The Basttaathn also to become his wives after Iqmn the performance of certain rituals. According to the evidence provided by contemporary cartoons, it is believed that women Bainhen visited the holy shrine of Amun at Karnak. There Qmn represent the myth of creation and curved Amon eternal worldliness, to make sure that the universe will fall back to the chaos that was experienced before the shape. Thus, women become "Wives of Amun and his companions." It is the right of any aristocratic Egyptian women to obtain this honorary title and enjoy the social aura associated with it.

The strength of Pharaoh

During the reign of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, was the temple of Karnak pylon on the east side of it. Has been evoked, more than percent of the graphic pattern rituals. Most of those depicting Nefertiti, standing in the center of worship, including the offerings to the god.

In fact, the tradition requires not only Offering from the pharaoh himself or "wife or companion of God." So these paintings show that Nefertiti was in power, have the status equal to that status they enjoyed by the Pharaohs. Although the new religion preached by no longer a place for "wives or companions of God", it was announced that Nefertiti's allegiance to the god Aten, following the same ritual that was practiced by companions of the god Amon. Nefertiti and look as if they were using their religious traditions "for Boyfriends" God in order to elevate themselves to the ranks of gods.

And after all that Nefertiti was able to become the decade of the most powerful women in the ancient world.



Tafrtete remained for more than ten years of the most powerful women in Egypt. Nefertiti has ruled the country, will continue to venerate the gods that hold sway Spegha by its people, tandem with her husband Omenovs IV, Ruler of the New Kingdom of the family-eighth session, and who changed his name to Akhenaten after he ascended the throne about 1353 BC. However, there is only a little glamorous about the Queen today. Have faded completely from history around the year 1336 BC, when she was about thirty years.

The emergence of a bright and sudden demise

Married Nefertiti from the pharaoh Akhenaten, the son of Omenovs third in the fourth year of his ascendancy to the throne of ancient Egypt, it seems she was five years old then, in a time when Akhenaten in the fourth years of age. As a result of this union, raised the beautiful Queen handed power to become one of the most women who reigned ancient Egypt, the authority and influence. The Nefertiti enjoy and celebrate the love and sanctification, and taken its place beside the king in all important events, and remained its almost equal to that status. But suddenly missed their impact; even today not found any evidence that would shed some light on the fate of the mysterious Nefertiti. So far, her body is still missing.

Where did Nefertiti?

Queen Of The picturesque background suffer from the ambiguity as well. According to one theory, it might have been Princess Mitani (Tadoikhyeea), the bride to marry a candidate Omenovs III but instead she married his son. According to another theory that Nefertiti was born as a result a relationship between the third and one Omenovs Khalilath. This theory makes Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and two brothers, but brothers. But this theory also considered unreasonable because Nefertiti was entitled to receive the title (the daughter of Pharaoh), which never happened. The third theory that Nefertiti was the daughter of Tai Wai. According to this theory, and her father was one of the senior officials in the royal court of the third Omenovs thus making it very close to Akhenaten. Based on that theory, which is widely popular with Egyptologists, the background of Nefertiti was back to the upper class of ancient Egyptian society. But may not be the true mother of Tai Queen charming, but is likely to have been Mrdatha.

In favor of the sun god

Was Akhenaten, Nefertiti and the lead in carrying out reforms, religious and social importance. It was more their many achievements is the rejection of the ancient Egyptians, usually many gods and worship one God instead is the sun god Aten.

In the fifth year of the rule of Akhenaten, the transfer of the headquarters of a couple of good official successors to Tel el-Amarna, which was known as a chosen light Aten.

Even Karnak, which was until then based in the traditional range of Amun, was witnessing the building of new temples was close to the sun god. The temples are decorated with the large numbers of images of Nefertiti, which was carrying the title as Queen of the traditional royal "perfect Kamal Aten."

Nefertiti's perpetuating and received in the temples and monuments more so than any other Egyptian queen before or after. It is likely that the Queen had occupied the post of High Priest is also a position that is usually maintained by the kings, and alone.

But Nefertiti disappeared from the images and inscriptions in the last year of the rule of Akhenaten and images appeared in lieu of two of the six daughters were (Mritatun) and (Onkhsainbatun).

Fate unknown

What could have been caused to the queen? Researchers believe the long period of time that the Queen has lost favor with Akhenaten, was excluded from the royal family. Perhaps it was because of its failure to have a son to him? Another theory says that the couple was overthrown by a popular insurrection by by people who thought that the worship of Aten was heresy. As Tutankhamun had regained the throne in 1333 BC, it is certain that he eliminated all traces of Akhenaten and Nefertiti and all but wiped out what would Ieidahma to mind.

Has not been found in a cemetery in Tell el-Amarna to this day more than some of the items that are believed to belong to Akhenaten, which indicates that Nefertiti was not buried there; as well as that of her death is not documented anywhere else.

Have the Nefertiti Akhenaton on the throne?

Although the son of Akhenaten, his mistress Kia, which is Tutankhamun, but he has appointed (Smonkkr) as his successor. Some Egyptologists Smonkkr that may have been another son of Akhenaton, Kia, as some people think that maybe half brother of Akhenaten, or a member of the royal family.

However, the fact that Nefertiti and used the same surname Smonkkr overtime (perfect Kamal Aten), limited interconnected to the assumption that Nefertiti herself regained the throne after Akhenaten's death in 1336 BC. However, there is also evidence that Nefertiti had died in the fourteenth year of the rule of her husband, Akhenaten, when bubonic plague plagued Egypt at the time.

Is it caused the sudden disappearance of Nefertiti to remain a mystery long age? Perhaps, but the body may be able to found the British exploration team, which is believed to be the mummy of Queen's magic, from disclosing some of the secrets underlying the Queen

But now we tell you how you were found and the disclosure of her tomb and mummy of the
Detection research team is conducting a survey in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor in Egypt unveiled what could be the mummy of Queen Nefertiti Egyptian myth. The team used the University of York, who led by Dr Joanne Fletcher system of mobile X-ray examination of the mummy in February 2003. This was the first time that the Egyptian authorities allow the use of such devices in archaeological sites.

Blu-ray to make mobile search easier

Were found on the body that had been included under the "mummy 61072" lying next to the bodies of two other Mahnttin a woman and a boy at the corner of a room in the cemetery to 35. The researchers were able to examine the mummy inside the cemetery, and thus avoid any possibility of exposure to damage or distortion during the transfer process. It was not for that process to take place without the use of a "Canon - C-DA X-31", the first rays of a digital mobile system in the world.

To this day, the method used was to get the mummies unearthed from cemeteries and transferred to a hospital for examination by X-rays. Which is considered an expensive and threatens serious risks may fall of the mummy.

In the case of the mummy 61072, has allowed Blu-ray mobile flat-panel of scientists to work within the cemetery itself producing three-dimensional pictures of the body stuffed without even having to move it from its place.

The process called in more than three seconds between scan the image and appear on a computer screen. It also allows the zoom photographing glass jewelry, teeth and bones as well as pictures of the body as a whole. Can also be used new technology to do virtual tours within the structure of the mummy.

Contracts for gold in the chest cavity

X-rays show that he took the Group, Dr. Fletcher body of an adult woman with spinal curvature in the string in the lower back.

The images show also a number of gold contracts within the chest cavity, which was open. These contracts have coined the same design approach of Royal Jewelry and perhaps further evidence that the 61072 is the mummy of the Queen of human remains were once a great good and beauty.

British researchers believe that the site is unusual for gold contracts was probably a result of attempts by thieves to plunder the tomb, causing harm mummy in these processes.

You will puzzle?

Scientists hope to allow them to Blu-ray mobile rebuilding the face of Nefertiti months world-wide. Also expected to provide many images of the mummy of evidence on the health situation has even caused her death.

Has crossed the manufacturer of mobile X-ray also pleased about this discovery, says James Ibenek, President of the inter-relationship and contact the drugs of Europe: "We would not imagine that some of our technology, manufactured in order to meet the medical needs of the twentieth century will be used in day to identify the mummy and shed light on Mysteries of Ancient Egypt. "

Will be transferred with the assistance of the three mummies of the Egyptian government in the cemetery to 35 and stored carefully for further research and scrutiny

D. Joan Fletcher examine the mummy of Queen Nefertiti

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The mummy of Queen Nefertiti

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D. Joan Fletcher used a new technology for mobile beam without moving the mummy


This discovery may prove as the greatest archaeological achievements since the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Falmp effects of British

Joan Fletcher sure they had found the mummy of Queen Nefertiti, the myth, which were once ruled Egypt along with her husband Akhenaten. The focus of research, Dr. Fletcher is currently working on the discovery of evidence to support its claims discovery of woman's body, which is next to Cleopatra months among women who reigned ancient Egypt.

* Mummy No. 61072

Allowed to Dr Joan Fletcher lecture at the University of York and her team examined the cemetery known as "the 35-to" Valley of the Kings near Luxor. This is not the first time that you open the cemetery, they have opened before in 1898 but soon closed again in 1907. She drew one of the mummies attention of the research team, has revealed the old photos of the semi-major between them and the famous bust of Nefertiti in the Berlin Museum.

The mummy was given the number 61072, was found with two additional one to two woman and the other boy, and the three mummies occupy one corner of a burial chamber Omenovs II. Credit is due to find the mummies of the three French archaeologist Victor Loret in the late nineteenth century. However, since the mummies were in a deplorable condition they received little attention at that time or later.

But today, after great efforts in the examination and scrutiny, the archaeological team found the British to the conclusion that the mummy 61072 belonging to Queen Nefertiti legend personally.

Q: Do you found the body of Nefertiti?

In the belief the British scientist, the evidence that the mummy back to Nefertiti, including: earlobe holes that have a sign of ownership, and the effects of the gold ring on the head and those are also a sign of other property as the wearing of such bands in this way was exclusive to members the royal family only, and clean-shaven head, Dr. Fletcher, who believes that it could be overwhelming evidence in the case of compatibility with the size of Crown Blue theme on top of bust of Nefertiti in the Berlin Museum.

The initial assessment by a team of British research that the mummy, which was found lying under the rubble of a huge linen, involving at least one of the women of the royal family during the reign of el-Amarna.

Valrqubp long swan-like neck, and cheeks and palate Almertfan slave apply all descriptions Nefertiti slave. According to Dr. Fletcher is another sign of affiliation confirm the mummy of Queen Sast beautiful Kingdom of the Nile is the wig was found in earlier near the embalmed body. The wig head Dresser Nubian-style This was the style preferred by the Women's Royal Family in the late Eighteenth Dynasty.

In addition, the method adopted in the mummification of the three mummies found in the cemetery "for the 35" side by side with the material used and the specific type of embalming Jima refer to it dating back to the mid to end of the eighteenth dynasty, the period for which he where Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti of ancient Egypt. That was the conclusion reached by Dr. Stephen Buckley, an expert on global versed in this area took part in the scrutiny of the consideration of those mummies.

* The effects of violence

With the body believed to be Nefertiti effects of extreme violence, it seems, she was kind of an ax or machete. The mummy lost the right ear and one arm, although the missing hand was found in a second expedition by the British team in February 2003. Since there is abundant evidence, in the opinion of Dr. Joan Fletcher, weighting hypothesis Nefertiti was severely tortured and even killed, those cases might have been an additional piece of cut wood puzzles (puzzle), which would eventually prove crucial to the identity of the body. Perhaps Almsra marked by the violence that has plagued the Queen's revenge for the people, according to Dr. Fletcher, because of the manner in which it is unwilling to Akhenaten from the old religion.

The further tests revealed that the face has been hit hard by a sharp object, probably a dagger. This validates the premise that the Queen of either Almsgut was tortured before her death, or that her body mutilated after her death.

The right arm of the mummy, discovered in the process of exploratory separate later, the Flex, so stop going up. Fingers and still look like a royal scepter arrest, despite the fact that Puck himself has faded over time. According to the ancient Egyptian tradition, only the pharaohs were Muarathm from being in their final resting place in this way. Since some studies is that Nefertiti was Fronp, perhaps this was another Emirate to prove their identity.

* A family tomb

There is another piece of strong evidence provided by one of the other mummies found in the same cemetery next to the mummy 61072. For what appears to be that stuffed mummy belongs to T-Queen. Or at least that was the result based on a set of analysis carried out on hair samples by Egyptian scientists and U.S. during the seventies. The T is a fellow Ominhtob III and mother of Akhenaten, in other words, was a relative of Nefertiti.

* Will not solve the mystery cat?

However, some experts expressed doubts. They believe that the Fletcher and her colleagues have built the hypothesis of insufficient evidence. They say that the mummy was discovered during the search may have been belonging to someone else, such as one of the daughters of Nefertiti, for example. Therefore, in spite of extensive research, the mummy was older than three thousand years and continue bearing the number 61072 in the formation of a conundrum. Perhaps the key to settle it decisively is a comparative examination of nucleic acid. However, since that even today is not found on any of the daughters of Nefertiti, or close to her family, this means that the DNA tests is not feasible at the present time.

i'm very sorry for the bad English , i use Google translator to translate an Arabic topic about queen nefertiti
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