Friday, February 12, 2010

nefertiti bust locked into the new Berlin museum

That among the Egyptian monuments which the recent controversy around the house, the bust of Queen Nefertiti, Germany, Germany, which it asserts that he was transferred to the knowledge and consent of Egypt, when the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Dr.. Zahi Hawass, recently, he is personally convinced that the statue in 1913 left Egypt illegally.

The Secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt, Dr.. Zahi Hawass, the site e-magazine "Der Spiegel" the German, that is examining the many things on the statue currently in the German capital Berlin, stressing that this research will see whether the statue was left Egypt in a legitimate manner, saying: "There will be no problem if it is proved that."

Hawass also said to Asharq Al Awsat that he was forming a committee to uncover all the circumstances of the statue, and the Committee will establish a set of documents stands for the truth of what happened during the discovery process of the statue, pointing out that what the committee will be the basis of the results, which will be acting on it thereafter .

He added that the evidence regarding the departure of the statue from Egypt in 1912 with a German archaeologist, Borchardt, who discovered the statue will be ready within two weeks.

Where is the evidence on the legality of his release?

Although officials in Berlin stressed several times that this statue was transferred to Germany with the knowledge and consent of the Egyptian authorities and that they have evidence for that, Hawass has revealed that he had made a request to officials in Berlin two months ago for disclosure of evidence that confirm the legitimacy of the transfer of the statue, but he did not received no response to this request so far, and this had not met the invitation to attend the opening ceremony of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin the day before yesterday and was transferred to the bust of Nefertiti.

After the rejection of the German side asked Hawass borrow the statue to be displayed in the Grand Egyptian Museum, Hawass said he had heard that German authorities have classified the issue of allowing the bust to Egypt for the risk they questioned the possibility that the statue is made from Egyptian limestone then to Berlin and calling it Palmkhozi.

Transfer the statue of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin

The re-opening of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin the day before yesterday, which was conveyed to him the bust of Nefertiti, after it was closed 70 years ago, after it was destroyed in World War II, attended the opening ceremony, which missed the senses despite his invitation, the German chancellor and the mayor of Berlin and a number of cultural figures German.

And after that continues to work on re-engineered the old restored by about 7 years and the German government has allocated for the operations and re-restored antiques for about 213 million euros and up to the area about 8 thousand square meters divided on 4 floors.

The museum is located, which was established between the years 1843 and 1855 in the Museum Island in central German capital and called the new museum to be built along the city such as museums, the Museum of Ancient and Islamic Art Museum and the Museum of the Middle Ages.

The museum was established by the Prussian caesarean section contains about 700 thousand artifacts dating to the times of the pharaohs who ruled Egypt and the Romans and the civilization of Babylon, and Mesopotamia and other civilizations immemorial in human history and civilizations of the Umayyads in the East, Andalusia, Muslim civilization in Sicily "Italy" was the distribution of these pieces on the Museum Island even re-building the Berlin Museum.

The bust of Nefertiti
He had moved the bust of Queen Nefertiti, the pharaonic, estimated age of more than 3300 years, Ooil this month, to the German capital Berlin, in a glass cage of a height of four meters, an event that received the attention of various media and political and cultural circles in the world.

The statue was made of stone Sheedy had lived in the old museum on Museum Island in central Berlin for 70 years to return under the tight security measures to where they came from the new Egyptian Museum which is situated opposite the old museum, which was restored recently, and had resided in the town (Celinh Cacciaroda ) in the area (Alharts) German North in 1943 until 1956 when it was put in the old museum in Berlin.

The Queen Nefertiti was the wife of Akhenaten major, who ruled ancient Egypt in 1350 BC.

The archaeologist, Ludwig Borchardt discovered Nefertiti's bust during the excavation of the effects in 1912 and moved with him to Germany, some reports indicate that Borchardt had deceived the Egyptians at the time to remove the bust of Nefertiti from the country, where the statue escaped the full (non-scarified) to his home in the neighborhood Zamalek, Cairo, and from there he fled to Germany is hidden within the broken pottery pieces are of no value, sent to Berlin for restoration.

To be mentioned that the statue has seen widespread demand after being transferred to its new headquarters in the new museum in Berlin the day before yesterday, where hundreds of people lined in a queue waiting for a long day in front of the museum.

Scores and was keen to gather in front of the museum to book their places until hours before the opening, as was the case on Saturday as well.

It was about eight thousand people had flocked to the Museum Island in Berlin on Saturday.

Queen Nefertiti

The bust of Nefertiti
And Queen Nefertiti, whose name means "beautiful come" is the wife of King Amenhotep IV (who later became Akhenaten) Eighteenth Dynasty Pharaoh famous and the protectors of Tutankhamun.

It is believed that Nefertiti was the sister of King Akhenaten and their mother is the Queen Tiye, and Mrdatha was the wife of the minister any who is likely to be a brother of Queen Tiye, was called in many times, "Abu God."

Queen Nefertiti, her husband took part in the worship of the new religion, a worship of the Aten sun disk and the power she and her husband, the mediator between the people and Aten, Nefertiti and the first years of the rule of her husband to change her name to change its ideology, according to Nfrnfraton Aten Nefertiti, which means shines as the beautiful may come from.

A statue of Nefertiti in the Egyptian Museum of quartzite and red decorated with touches of ink which is at least in the accuracy of manufacture of the head in Berlin, but less known.

Nefertiti property titles and the Great Royal Wife, Nefertiti gave birth to six girls Akhenaten: Meritaten was born in Thebes before moving on to the sister of Aten, Aten MCAT, Ankhs The BAINS Luton, who married Tutankhamun Invernfro Aten indicative Invernfro Ra, The step-Re.

After the twelfth year of the rule of Akhenaten Nefertiti disappeared There was no mention of them believed she died and was buried in a cemetery Bikhittatun also believed to be Tutankhamun's mummy transfer with his father, Akhenaten abandoned when the sister of the Aten.

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