Saturday, November 6, 2010

simple question : Why Beauty Treatments Fail

Handsome men -- not as much as beautiful women, but it still has its benefits.Ancient Egypt.When they are in infertile part of their cycle -- feminine looking.Now she looks perfect.But she was not the one who used cosmetics to enhance her beauty.Sure it does.Even then they knew how to make skin graft to cover damaged skin areas.What about the way men look?About 12 million cosmetic surgeries were done in the US in 20 This means, that it is very popular because it is very effective.

This suite is special because when Elvis Presley stayed there, he spent a night with at least 8 women.Now the house is occupied with an aging Hugh Hefner, the Playboy boss, who is still surrounded by young beautiful girls.10236 Charing Cross Road, Los Angeles, California.Therefore how do they decide?When women are in fertile part of their cycle, they prefer masculine looking men.But the problem with cosmetics was: it was sometimes toxic.Want to know the secret of how men and women are choosing their beloved ones?Or does it mean that infidelity is the inherent women's feature,

because they need different men at different times of their cycle?And cosmetics cannot do that much to cover deep wrinkles and skin folds, lift up the sagging skin or change the shape of the nose.This room is famous not for its art collection or furniture, paintings or sculptures.Because with their experience and tools, they can compete with much younger males.Plastic surgeons now can do a facelift for you, reshape your nose, eyelids, checks, chin, breasts, buttock, tummy, penis, vagina, etc.Men chose women differently: they want fertile women.How about money?What about ordinary women?A 50 million dollar Gothic -

Tudor style house, built by architect Arthur R.To find the truth scientists decided to find out if it is a masculine type of man, or feminine type, that women find more attractive.Beautiful women tend to have a higher salary and better chances for a promotion.That is why they came up with plastic cosmetic surgery.Since then plastic cosmetic surgery improved significantly.In other words -- young.To get the desired effect they may put in Parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and other toxins.

Does it matter for women?Until 1999, when Harvard scientist Frank Marlowe came up with the unusual explanation of this behavior.That is how we know her -- from famous Nefertiti bust.Cosmetics were cheap, readily available for ordinary people and easy to use.100 years ago?But remember: they pick up young females!According to him a woman can chose an extraordinary man, much older then she is, because even an aging men are fertile.By "signals of youth" which are: clear and smooth skin, big and shiny eyes,

full red lips, long fair hair and firm high breasts.Marilyn Monroe, is perhaps the most famous example of this.Full breasts, low waste to hip ratio, long legs, symmetric face, big eyes, small nose, body mass index -- all play their roles.What they did not know was: both, but not at the same time.But is this for only movie stars?

This now well-known fact remained a mystery for many years.When do you think first plastic surgery was performed?Hefner, but they are still enjoying his company.To fix it she takes eyeliner and applies it to her eyes.Does it mean, that it is really women, not men, who choose?The young Queen Nefertiti is about to pose for a famous sculptor 

Thutmose, who is going to make her bust.According to legend, the first plastic surgery was done by Lord Shiva in India 4000 years ago, when he attached an elephant's head to his son's body The first medical manual, including plastic surgery description, was written by great Indian doctor Sushruta in the 3rd or 4th century AD.It is about 1350 BC.They are much younger than Mr.Of course beauty is a big advantage in a bedroom for love.The benefit is: young males have very tough competition, and women have much more choices.Suddenly Nefertiti notices that her eye liner is not perfect.Kelly in 1927, with a secret room, called the "Elvis Presley" suite.But how do they determine?

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