Monday, November 8, 2010

The Disappearance of Nefertiti

During her reign as queen she had six daughters.The final theory suggests that she could have tried to save the throne by marring a foreign king.

Many have decaled Smenkhare to be Nefertiti and believe she went to great lengths similar to that of Hatshepsut—dressing as male to be accepted as a pharaoh.Possibly somewhere beneath the sands her body has been hidden by Egyptian priests.The queen who had the tablets prepared asked for the king to send a son to Egypt so she may be married.All were cherished, expect a male heir was needed to inherit the throne.

second theory suggests she became co-regent to Akhenaten and helped him rule Egypt.Possibly Akhenaten worried a son would never be born and he looked else ware, in turn, dismissing Queen Nefertiti.Little is known about her disappearance due the damage caused by Akhenaten’s successors.Everything was destroyed or buried in the sands of Egypt.She requested it be prompt as she did not want to marry any servants.Though very little evidence has survived, it has still sparked theories as to how she disappeared.Her body has never been found.It seems they wanted no memory of his existence and that included memories of Queen Nefertiti.The first theory suggests she became unfavorable to Akhenaten.

She could have simply died of a terminal illness; however, many refuse to think so.Somewhere she might be buried in a tomb that was created to hide her last remains.The king of the Hittites did send a son, but he was assonated on his journey to marry the queen.Twelve years into the Amarna Period Nefertiti disappears.This theory has been tied to both Nefertiti and Though we’ll never know what happened to the queen she will forever remain a mystery.After she disappears from historical records, a new co-regent is recorded to rule with Akhenaten by the name of Smenkhare.Sometime during the end of the Amarna Period a stone tablet recorded the of the king; this was sent to the Hittites.

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