Monday, November 8, 2010

Nefertiti again and again..

Nefertiti, which means "the beautiful woman has come", is one of the most famous and beloved of all ancient Egyptian queens.Nefertiti was the wife of Akhenaten.It was around the 15th regnal year of Akhenaten that Nefertiti mysteriously disappeared from the scene.Whatever the case, she is replaced by her eldest daughter, Meritaten.

The second opinion is that perhaps she believed that Akhenaten was losing touch with his people and angering them by destroying all other gods besides his own, thus she could have been banished by Akhenaten for going against his religion.Two reasons could be used for explaining Nefertiti's banishment.

Some scholars believe that she was banished, and that she lived the rest of her life in the northern palace.Nefertiti was married to Akhenaten and while living in Memphis gave birth to six daughters.It was only through the combined royal pair that the full blessing of god Aten could be bestowed.First, it could be that she disapproved of the slow return to the worship of Amon, which was taking place at that time, with Smenkhkare becoming co-regent and the moving back to Thebes to re-open some temples.It could be that she died, although, to this date, there are no existing indications of that.

Some have even claimed that it was Nefertiti, not Akhenaten, who instigated the monotheistic religion of Aten.As compared to other ancient Egyptian queens, Nefertiti was displayed with an outstanding prominence.One of the best known Egyptian treasures is a bust of her that is now placed in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin.

Her name was usually enclosed in a royal cartouche, and the number of her statues and drawings are more than those of Akhenaten.Nefertiti moved with her husband to Akhetaten where, as shown on wall scenes, she participated in all the religious ceremonies.

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