Place the old Egyptian obelisks at the doors of the temples, at together. A symbol of relationship of the earth and the sky, these sights are still impresses people to this day.
Obelisk is a column with four aspects of pillow top mattresses hrym, all from one block of the granite obelisk is the religious teacher of one block of the granite and consists of three parts:

1) a base to ensure balance
2) square stem angles (El Baradei) sounds too soft in the summit
3) at the top of the pyramid of small
Bin Bin hwalasm llmslah Egyptian. According to old beliefs in Heliopolis, the obelisk first picture representation of Ra. Obelisk is a ray of the sun. This confirms the rotate the pyramid top small papers Obelisk of gold. The oldest known obelisk bhlywbwlys placed King elevating drill Snosert first. There are obelisks bhlywbwlys, Fayoum and poolside jacuzzis's Delta and Luxor and Karnak and granite segments can be seen in Aswan (obelisks did not move from their places) sculpture Old Egyptian obelisks of large granite consisting of one body segments in Aswan in southern Egypt, for transfer to the website ltsql chisels and then be lifted accurately on the base.
All this is in a manner and in a manner very accurate evidence of knowledge and high reliability. The method used to install obelisks in front of the gates of the temple in its place ad hoc was most likely to as follows: attend coma of sand near the placement of obelisk. obelisk to withdraw horizontally over a pile of sand to place in front of the gate of the temple. Its base must be the face of the basis, which have been built out of the Rock in the form of cubic meters in size varies according to the large obelisk this basis cubic meter by supreme opened in filled with sand. When the obelisk over the slot filled with sand unloading sand from the currency second slot located at the bottom of the Base to decline to gradually rather than engaging the obelisk vertically. Then pull the basis on which it was built and begin operations of refinement and sculpture, painting, and the use of memorial hall is built of obelisk. In recent envelops the highest obelisk (which is similar to a pyramid small papers) a combination of gold and silver. obelisks can be seen today in London, New York and Paris, but the way they used the more modern mechanical tools.
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